What’s the future of magazines on the tablet?
This is the question that will be answered by more than 100 students of the Design Department of the Zurich University of the Arts. In an interdisciplinary project, students from fields like Visual Communication, Industrial Design, Scientific Visualization or Interaction Design will collaborate to explore concepts and approaches on how to utilize the new possibilities provided by tablet computers like the iPad or Galaxy Tab. The course will take place in the spring semester 2011 from March to April and will kick off with the DDE Symposium on March 21st.
I was asked to step in as a lecturer and I’m very excited to join the head of the Interaction Design program and my former professor Dr. Gerhard M. Buurman on this assignment. Together with our students we will focus on potential dialogic collaboration between the reader and the editor. We call this Crowd Editing.
We will guide and advise the students to answer questions like: How do we build an open and accessible editorial office? Which new workflows will be established? What kind of tools and channels will be needed to form vibrant and inspiring interactions between the participants?
I am more than happy to be back at this great institution and to be able to work with such bright minds. It will be an intense undertaking and I look forward to learn as much from my students as I will be of service to them.